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The War on Paper Money Part 2: India Recalls 500 and 1000 Rupee Notes

November 27, 2016

Many loyal customers of Jack Hunt and followers of this blog may recall our article from April of this year titled War on Cash. That article dealt with the potential for the future abolition of currency, both in the United States and abroad. The speculative nature of that blog has suddenly become far more credible […]

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Gold After Obama: What will a Clinton or Trump Presidency do to Gold Prices?

October 20, 2016

This year’s presidential elections may have serious implications for the gold market since historically elections tend to influence financial markets as a whole. There are several theories about such an impact. How presidential elections affect gold prices For example, according to the theory of the presidential election cycles, U.S. stock markets are weakest in the […]

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Fort Knox Gold: Myth or Reality?

September 14, 2016

When President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued an executive order in 1933 that outlawed the private ownership of gold coins, gold bullion and other forms of gold, the Federal Reserve suddenly had more gold on its hands than it knew what do with. Thus, the United States Bullion Depository at Fort Knox, Kentucky was born. The Fort […]

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Gold, Silver and the U.S. Dollar

August 08, 2016

There are many drivers of precious metal prices, such as global economic growth, supply and demand, inflation expectations, interest rates, geopolitical turmoil, etc. However, one of the primary influences on the price of gold and silver, that investors must always keep their eye on, are movements in the global currency market and especially the U.S. […]

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Silver and Gold are the Best Performing Assets Year to Date… Why?

July 20, 2016

Silver and Gold are ranked number one and number four respectively in numerous listings of best performing assets in H1, 2016. Silver was the highest ranked asset showing a 38% price increase since the first of the year while Gold reflected the fourth highest increase in valuation this year with a 26% jump year to […]

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Gold Demand at Record High Level in Q1 2016

June 02, 2016

Amid a world of negative interest rates and slow growth, investors have stepped up the demand for gold in record breaking fashion. Considering the uncertain global economic environment, investors can’t seem to get enough of gold right now, and there’s little sign that demand is letting up. That is the assessment from the recently released […]

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Diversification: Buying Gold as Investment Insurance

May 03, 2016

I believe buying gold makes sense for investors wanting diversification for their financial portfolio. Only by owning a range of different assets can you reduce the cost of uncertainty on your savings and spending power. Spreading out risk over multiple asset classes including precious metals is a simple definition of diversification. Diversification Can Reduce Financial […]

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Gold, Silver & Negative Interest Rates

April 20, 2016

Could negative interest rates be on the horizon? As we discussed in a recent article on this site, a documented “war on cash” has already been initiated in several countries worldwide. In Sweden, Switzerland, Denmark and the euro zone, central banks are using negative interest rates policy (NIRP) as a primary weapon in trying to […]

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War On Cash

April 05, 2016

There appears to be a growing war on cash as evidenced by more frequent reports in the mainstream media suggesting central banks and federal governments are supporting the banning of currency (cash) in the foreseeable future. Consumer spending in most developed countries makes up at least 50% of the Gross Domestic Product. However, with sluggish […]

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Bail-In, Coming to a bank near you?

March 08, 2016

Following similar steps already taken in United.States the European Commission recently ordered 11 members of the European Union (EU) to enact the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (BRRD). These rules theoretically aim to shield taxpayers from the fall out of another banking crisis similar to the recent fiascoes in Cyprus and Greece. The BRRD mandates […]

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